Friday, May 13, 2011

Nature-Deficit Disorder

For paper one, we all had to read an excerpt from Louv's Last Child in the Woods. The main point of the story was that kids today are not spending enough time outside. I completely agree. I feel like every kid that goes to the doctor is diagnosed with ADHD, when in reality they probably don't have it and this disorder is  just over-diagnosed. When I was a kid, I played outside every chance I got and for as long as I could. I remember playing street hockey, going to the local park, and going to the beach. I participated in one or more of these every day. Kids these days sit inside and play video games and aren't very active (probably why childhood obesity is on the rise...they don't burn off any calories!). Louv brought up the fact that these children do not spend enough time in nature and therefore are not as calmed down as they should be. I can relate to this because growing up near the beach, I was always relaxed, soothed and calm when I went there.

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