Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Living Machine

This water purification process was truly fascinating...I had no idea that this was even possible (maybe its been a while since freshman year bio, but I don't remember hearing anything about organisms purifying water that's that dirty). I really could not believe how nature went to work and how the water came out looking just as clean as it went in...all without chemicals. If this is possible at a place like Corkscrew, it should be implemented other places as well. I know that urbanized cities in the U.S. have chlorine regulations and rules, but what about places in third world countries? What about places where people are literally dying of thirst? I think this would be cheap compared to large water purification plants, it would need very little maintenance, and it would not take as long to set up or build as a large purification plant would. Someone needs to think about this idea...I know I've heard of people in other countries drinking extremely contaminated water because they have no choice. This sounds like a tangible solution.

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