Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Class 5/24

I found out in class today that the chromium level in Lee county is seven times California's legal limit (Florida does not have a legal standard for this chemical). This kind of scares me because of the Erin Brockovich movie. I know that the chromium limit in Lee county is not nearly that high, but its still scary! I immediately thought, "I need to go buy bottled water." As soon as the thought crossed my mind, Dr. Morris told the class: "don't even bother buying bottled water because that comes from a tap that they didn't test either." Makes perfect sense. Now I want to know where the chromium is coming from...

I also learned something interesting about Corkscrew Sanctuary. They use a special kind of wood from Brazil for three reasons: 1. its dense and hard. 2. bugs won't eat it & 3. it is harvested sustainably. Trees being harvested sustainably is new to me. We watched a video on this as well. I actually would be one of the people to pay more for the lumber that was collected in an environmentally friendly way.

I also learned some other fun facts today in class:
-50% of jobs are farming
-Primary energy source is wood
-90% food crops would not exist without pollinators
-75% of fish are depleted from overfishing
-It will cost $8billion to restore the everglades

A Land Remembered is really good, by the way!


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