Sunday, July 3, 2011

Thoughts on Colloquium

I have had the chance to learn and reflect on a lot of things in this course, and especially develop my "sense of place" in Florida. From the papers, frield trips and journal entries I have explored many things that I never would have if I wasn't enrolled in this course. Dr.Morris has made me think about a lot of things. Why am I going to school? Am I a creationist or an evolutionist or a little bit of both? Why am I not familiar with native Florida species of plants and animals? He said he might say things that would offend us throughout our time together, but I never got offended, it just got me to think a little harder about my own philosophies and opinions. A class is pointless if you leave with the same ideas as you came in with, and I definitely have reflected on some ideas of my own in this class. To be honest, I got more out of this class than I expected to. I never knew what was going on in Africa with the farmers, I had no clue about ECHO, Corkscrew or Lover's Key, I had never reflected on my idea of success...the list is long! The idea of reflecting is something I only started doing since we went to Corkscrew and reflected on the environment around us. I never even knew what colloquium meant! I will try harder not to be such a follower now.

Oh, and I'm going to make all my friends, especially the native Floridians, read A Land Remembered!

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