Monday, June 27, 2011

Ecological Footprint

I never viewed myself as a wasteful person, but apparently if everyone lived like me we would need EIGHT earths. That is crazy! I guess turning the lights off when I leave the house just is not enough. I should probably start recycling too. I recycle the occasional aluminum can or plastic water bottle, but there are so many other things in my trash can right now that could be recycled. The video "The Story of Stuff" really got me thinking. What really put it all into perspective for me was the idea that we are working on a linear system, but we have a finite planet. It really made me realize that all of this is going to eventually run out if we don't get our act together. All I can do is my part, but it all adds up and even the little things count toward a sustainable future. I was also in shock when Dr.Morris showed the logos of popular brands and then showed pictures of different animals and plants in nature...most of the class doesn't even know our state tree! (I actually knew that one--Sabal palm). We need more environmental education...this last class really justified the reason for this course at FGCU.

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